Our Services

Accounting Packages

At Morrison & Associates, we have refined our accounting packages to suit any business, regardless of its size and type. Our team of professionals are highly qualified and experienced in all areas of accounting and tax compliance. We have a range of Accounting Packages available, according to your business specific needs.

Coaching Packages

Morrison & Associates, have a series of Business and Personal Development Packages that have a proven success rate. Our packages are designed to help you not only save money, but make you money as well. Take a look at our Coaching Packages to find the right one for you.

Business Due Diligence and Valuations

We know that buying, selling, merging and divesting of businesses is complex. Morrison & Associates has an expert team to assist you in getting the best possible deal – saving you time, money, mitigating risk and navigating the tax regulations effectively.

Business Advisory

Driving growth. Managing risk. Leveraging technology. Fostering innovation. Creating value. Managing transactions. Navigating fraud and disputes. Whatever your needs, Morrison & Associates have the experience, judgement, and relevant skills to help you solve your most complex business challenges.

Tax Advice

We know that buying, selling, merging and divesting of businesses is complex. Morrison & Associates has an expert team to assist you in getting the best possible deal – saving you time, money, mitigating risk and navigating the tax regulations effectively.


Understanding the benefits, importance and tax compliance requirements of Trusts and working closely with Trust lawyers, Morrison & Associates can assist you in determining the correct trust for you and setting it up correctly from the start.